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Multiplatform support is in Alpha state.

Compose Multiplatform provides robust tools for building and testing UI components across various platforms. One significant aspect of this is the ability to write and run common tests for your UI elements (official doc sample).

runComposeUiTest vs runUltronUiTest

With standart Compose Testing framework you have to use runComposeUiTest method to interact with UI elements.

Here is simplified basic test sample with Compose Multiplatform. Typically it's placed in common app module, like composeApp/src/commonTest/kotlin

class ComposeExampleTest {
fun myTest() = runComposeUiTest {
setContent {
// reasonable UI content

Usage of runUltronUiTest function simplifies the interaction syntax.

class UltronExampleTest {
fun myTest() = runUltronUiTest {
setContent {
// reasonable UI content

More over it makes interactions more reliable and stable.

Additionally, it becomes possible to call these interactions EVERYWHERE you want, e.g. in Page Objects

Compose Page Object

Everyone knows that Page Object pattern is a good pattern. But how to use it for multiplatform tests?

While runComposeUiTest provides the context for interaction with UI elements, like calling onNodeWithTag(), moving this logic into a Page Object or any other class/method can lead to issues, as these don’t have direct access to the testing API. This is because the testing API is provided by an object called SemanticsNodeInteractionProvider, which needs to be passed into each object to call the testing API.

Here’s an example of a modified test using the Page Object pattern:

class PageObjectMultiplatformTest {
fun myTest() = runComposeUiTest {
setContent {
// reasonable UI content
ExamplePage(provider = this).someStep()

class ExamplePage(val provider: SemanticsNodeInteractionsProvider){
fun someStep(){

Ultron Page Object

Ultron eliminates the need to pass SemanticsNodeInteractionProvider into each object. You only need to replace the runComposeUiTest method with runUltronUiTest.

class UltronMultiplatformTest {
fun myTest() = runUltronUiTest {
setContent {
// reasonable UI content


object UltronPage {
fun someStep(){