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The framework has 2 types of listeners: UltronLifecycleListener & UltronRunListener


This one allows you to listen all stages of Operation execution.

abstract class UltronLifecycleListener {
* executed before any action or assertion
override fun before(operation: Operation) = Unit

* called when action or assertion failed
override fun afterFailure(operationResult: OperationResult<Operation>) = Unit
* called when action or assertion has been executed successfully
override fun afterSuccess(operationResult: OperationResult<Operation>) = Unit
* called in any case of action or assertion result
override fun after(operationResult: OperationResult<Operation>) = Unit

Operation object contains all info about operation (name, description, type, timeout)

OperationResult object contains all info about operation result (success, all exceptions that occured and exception that was thrown, description etc) and also has a reference to Operation.

All listener methods will be executed before an exception will be thrown. It gives you a guarantee that all exceptions in your tests will be processed as you want.

Log operation example

For instance, here is a listener that logs everything to Ultron log.

class LogLifecycleListener : UltronLifecycleListener() {
override fun before(operation: Operation) {"Start execution of ${}")

override fun afterSuccess(operationResult: OperationResult<Operation>) {"Successfully executed ${}")

override fun afterFailure(operationResult: OperationResult<Operation>) {
UltronLog.error("Failed ${} with description: \n" +
"${operationResult.description} ")

You can create you own custom listener in the same way.

class CustomLifecycleListener : UltronLifecycleListener() {...}

Add new listener for Ultron operations using UltronCommonConfig.addListener().

abstract class BaseTest {
companion object {
@BeforeClass @JvmStatic
fun configureUltron() {


Basically we already know how to add new listener. But there are other options to configure Ultron listeners.

First of all Ultron by default already has LogLifecycleListener that writes some usable info to logcat.


Ultron has 4 different lifecycles that watch for different operations.

  • UltronEspressoOperationLifecycle
  • UltronWebLifecycle (WebView operations)
  • UltronUiAutomatorLifecycle
  • UltronComposeOperationLifecycle

It is possible to add listener for any of these lifecycles.


In this case CustomLifecycleListener will be applied only for UI Automator operations.

Exclude operation from listeners monitor

Ultron allows it to exclude operation from all listeners. This option is based on operation type.

For example, you've created a new operation

enum class CustomUltronOperations : UltronOperationType {
fun UltronUiObject2.assertHasAnyChild() = apply {
assertionBlock = { uiObject2ProviderBlock()!!.childCount > 0 },
name = "Assert $selectorDesc has any child",
type = CustomUltronOperations.ASSERT_HAS_ANY_CHILD,
description = "UiObject2 assertion '${CustomUltronOperations.ASSERT_HAS_ANY_CHILD}' of $selectorDesc during $timeoutMs ms",
timeoutMs = timeoutMs,
resultHandler = resultHandler

And you would like to exclude it from listeners for any reason no matter why.

Add single line to Ultron configuration function.

abstract class BaseTest {
companion object {
@BeforeClass @JvmStatic
fun configureUltron() {


Allows you to add listener for Test Lifecycle. See RunListener.

It is available in case you use ultron-allure and set testInstrumentationRunner.

testInstrumentationRunner = "com.atiurin.ultron.allure.UltronAllureTestRunner"

It could be used, for instance, to attach your custom application log to Allure Report.

class AppLogAttachRunListener() : UltronRunListener() {
override fun testFailure(failure: Failure) {
val logFile: File = AppLogProvider.provide()
val fileName = AttachUtil.attachFile(
name = "app_log_file",
file = logFile,
mimeType = MimeType.PLAIN_TEXT

Add custom RunListener to Allure config.

@BeforeClass @JvmStatic
fun configureUltron() {